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Florida Substance Abuse Statistics

Florida Substance Abuse Statistics 2020

Explaining Alcoholism/ Drug And Alcohol Addiction In Florida:

Addiction can be defined as the uncontrollable want to use a substance irrespective of the injurious effects it has on the human mind and body. This happens because the body gets used to the external and heightened stimuli it receives from the substance. Once a person falls into a spiral of an addictive disorder, the way he/she exploits the substance is not in their control. This boosted stimulus becomes the “new normal” for the body, thereby making it tough to quit. Therefore, addiction is a multi-level disease that has long-lasting effects and obstructs an individual’s everyday life. Sudden opposition to the substance can lead to distress and withdrawal symptoms that can end up doing more harm.

People from all walks of life can experience alcohol or substance abuse, regardless of age, race, background, etc. The reason they started using drugs in the first place can also be extremely similar or different.

For some, experimentation with alcohol begins due to curiosity, to ease problems, peer pressure, while for others it can be stress, anxiety, or depression. Once a person falls into a spiral of an addictive disorder, the way he/she exploits the substance is not in their control. This boosted stimulus becomes the “new normal” for the body, thereby making it tough to quit. Therefore, addiction is a multi-level disease that has long-lasting effects and obstructs an individual’s everyday life. Sudden opposition to the substance can lead to distress and withdrawal symptoms that can end up doing more harm.

Alcoholism is a form of a disabling addictive disorder, which is marked by the addiction to alcohol. It is the compulsive and uncontrollable urge to consume alcohol, despite its ill effects, on the individual’s health, relationships, etc. Alcohol dependence is a serious health concern that is linked to many long-term consequences. Alcohol dependence not only affects an entity’s bodily health but also may impact mental health and social well-being.

It can be understood as a chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol; the inability to control drinking due to both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. Symptoms include repeated alcohol consumption despite related legal and health issues. Those with alcoholism may begin each day with a drink, feel guilty about their drinking, and have the desire to cut down on the amount of drinking.

Alcohol addiction can be had to recognize, unlike drugs, alcohol is widely accepted across various cultures, and is used in social situations, and is available at any occasion of celebration and enjoyment. Drinking is a common part of many cultures, like wine during dinner. This is especially true in cosmopolitan setups like Delhi and other metro city’s drinking is often accompanied by various occasions. Thus it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who has a few drinks, and someone who has a real issue.

Symptoms of alcohol addiction can be: increased alcohol intake, without intolerance, or lack of hangover symptoms. Drinking at inappropriate times, using alcohol to cope with difficult situations, etc. It also causes high blood pressure, ulcers, vision impairment, suppressed immune system, and reproductive problems.

The reason why alcohol tends to become addictive in nature is that it affects the pleasure and reward center of the brain. It manipulates the system and tends to drive individuals to repeat behaviors that one enjoys, due to lack of inhibitions.

For the most part, alcohol addiction is self-diagnosable, but often time people ignore the signs. Treatment options for alcohol addiction involve Alcohol Rehab, which helps individuals with the process of detoxification and overcoming withdrawal in a safe environment.

It is now more than ever that Floridians are facing a major problem with respect to alcohol abuse. According to statistics, alcohol use in Florida has continued to increase over the past few years. Drug and Alcohol addiction in Florida are becoming increasingly common, which is a disturbing sight. The number of deaths caused by alcohol abuse in Florida is higher than the national average. Moreover, Florida is one of the few states in the United States that has experienced an acute opioid crisis. Reports suggest that nearly, 410,000 Floridians had admitted to abusing illicit drugs, with 7 Floridians dying every day from opioid poisoning. The alcohol overdose death rate in Florida is a whopping 10%.

Signs of Alcoholism

Alcohol dependence is a serious health concern that is linked to many long-term consequences. Alcohol dependence not only affects an individual’s bodily health but also may impact mental health and social well-being.

The issue with alcoholism is that it can creep in slowly and become an issue without one realizing soon enough. One’s occasional celebratory peg can spiral into a daily habit. While there are no exact steps or formulae to determine, some signs of alcohol dependence are as follows:

  • Experiencing blackouts or short- term memory losses, that may or may not feel temporary in nature
  • Extreme mood swings and/or signs of irritability
  • Catching the person make excuses to drink, by saying it is for recreational reasons or to deal with stress or to feel normal
  • When one begins to choose to drink over other responsibilities
  • Starts drinking alone in private and/or in secrecy, while becoming increasingly isolated from friends/ family
  • Feeling lethargic/ hungover when NOT drinking

A lot of times to gauge whether one is developing an alcoholic dependence, one can perform the CAGE method, which is a questionnaire to measure the severity of the drinking problem.

The four CAGE screening questions are:

  1. Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
  4.  Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get over a hangover?

Alcoholism persists as one of the largest issues nationwide, and Florida is no exception. Though the rate of alcohol abuse has fluctuated in the past decade, the state’s addiction community still sees alcohol treatment as one of its most prevalent responsibilities and the trend shows no sign of ceasing anytime soon. Alcoholism in Florida has become a growing issue in recent years.

Addictive disorders require personalized attention and treatment in order to bring back normality in the user’s life. A good treatment option is one, which is modified to the users’ concerns, in order to attain the best outcomes of sobriety. While addictions can have life-changing influences, luckily, like most illnesses, addiction too can be treated. Full recovery in fact is very common.

Florida offers numerous treatment options for Drug and Alcohol Addiction. However, the first step of treatment belongs from within; self-acceptance of the situation is the foundation of a strong and positive recovery journey. Once that is accomplished, one can pursue a route that best suits his/her needs. Currently, there are several listed rehabilitation centers within and just outside Florida. The two major forms of luxury rehab treatment are Inpatient and Outpatient. Inpatient, as the name suggests is where one lives in a residential facility, and outpatient is where the patient stays at home and goes through treatment throughout the day

These can be voluntary, non-medical, and tailored in nature. The duration of residential treatment is based on the type of drug and/or substance abused, and the duration of the addiction. Here one goes through numerous therapies that will inspire the patient to do away with abusing, with the help of qualified experiential Counsellors and Professionals.

Additionally, behavioral therapy is also a route that is commonly chosen, which emphasizes a holistic approach towards true inner remedial psychotherapy, exercise, and open and authentic communication.  Moreover, there are also numerous residential remedial practices, and several self-help groups and twelve-step fellowships that help do away with drug and alcohol addiction within and around Florida. These are a good fit for those who do not wish to pursue an official source of therapy.

Today, South Florida is one of the most densely populated areas and comprises of Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties—has nearly four hundred and seventy-eight licensed facilities for drug treatment. There are more treatment centers than public elementary schools. If you or someone you know- like a friend or family member who requires treatment for addiction, Anatta Recovery can be the answer. Anatta Recovery is one of the leading luxury rehab centers in California. It provides recovery options through residential, non-medical methods, specializing in Alternative Life Therapy Programmes, for those who want to recover and live a life free of substance dependence.

Anatta is one of the leading luxury alcohol rehab centers in Florida. It provides recovery options through residential, non-medical methods, specializing in Alternative Life Programmes, for those who want to recover and live a life free of substance dependence.  Founded in 2004, by a person in recovery along with a psychiatrist, Anatta today has joined hands with renowned physicians, counselors, and healthcare professionals who aid the patient in recovery.

Anatta is a luxury alcohol rehab center based on voluntary, non- medical, client-specific, one on one program, where you gain the tools to deal with these unresolved issues through compassionate, individualized, holistic coaching in a lavish ambiance.

Anatta promotes and supports a treatment program, where we deal with emotional counseling and other behavioral treatments like – Meditation, Counselling, Introspective writing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

In addition, other healing routes also blend in, to facilitate the growth of an individual in order to encourage a transformation that leads to not finding the need to use /drink any substance whether drugs or alcohol.

Anatta provides a compassionate, accepting, non-judgmental environment, wherein help is available 24/7. It encourages an individual to accept oneself and deal with one’s issues in a harmonious environment that facilitates the desire to not find the need to drink/use. Anatta specializes in destination treatment that allows the individual to recover and regrow away from the hustle and bustle, in peace and tranquility. Recovering in the laps of serene nature, in luxurious comfort, away from one’s day to day stress, enables faster results, and greater peace of mind, as one does not have to worry about the additional external pressure they may face from those rooting for them, because recovery is a process that has its good and bad days, thus having its own ups and downs.

The fact that rehabilitation is gaining normalcy and is being an important route towards addiction recovery is indeed a refreshing change. Everyone facing the disease of addiction goes through their own journey and have different experiences. The only commonality that all patients express is the need for constant positive support of family and trained professionals. The support is the key ingredient for recovery, and these luxury rehabilitation centers will do the remaining job.

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