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Rehabilitation Centre in kolkata

Begin Recovery With Alternate Life Therapy

Surat has great offerings in terms of alternate life therapy for drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Fill the form below to get expert consultation for your favorite destination.

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    15 Years’
    In Treating

    Drug Rehab Centre
    In Surat

    Happiness is constant; it is not dependent upon any stimulant to make your life full of pleasures. It is simply the illusion of a person that more one gets indulged into addictions, more he/she will become happy. The path of drug addiction starts with voluntary effort but gradually a person’s ability to not to opt for drugs gets weaken. Addictions like drug, smoking and alcohol do not kill someone’s life; rather it kills generations.

    A person should not get indulged into such habits, incase he/she has develops, it is his/her responsibility to leave it as soon as possible. Also, family has a big role to play. Be alert incase your child shows unusual behavioral and physical changes. Discuss adverse effects of addictions with your child and get the person admitted to the rehabilitation centre. At Anatta Recovery, popular drug rehabilitation centre in Surat is the name you can trust to overcome most dangerous addictions of life.

    Never ending efforts towards helping humanity!

    Here at Anatta recovery, the luxury rehab centre in Surat, we try to help the drug addicts identify their distorted thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. We connect with our patients on the emotional level to win their utmost trust. We maintain the complete confidentiality of all information received from patients and help them recover from their addictions. If you or family member observes any of the following symptoms, get them admitted at Anatta Recovery.

    Physical symptoms of Drug addiction comprise of unusual laziness, awake at unusual times, loss of appetite, hyperactivity, frequent nose rubbing and excessive sweating. Prominent changes in eating habits are also observed. In some of the cases, watery eyes, excessive talkativeness, unusual smells on breath, body and clothes and deterioration of hygiene factors are also noticed.

    Behavioral symptoms include chronic dishonesty, moodiness, excessive need of privacy, suspicious behavior, frequent forgetfulness and extreme irritability. Some of the drug and alcohol addicts also show changes in personal grooming habits, lack of interest in family responsibilities, stealing money and lack of motivation.

    We offer comfortable beds, spacious bathroom and almirah to keep personal items in each room. There is also an on-site gym, swimming pool and massage therapy room. There are also other amenities like – equine therapy, spa treatments and acupuncture etc.

    Are you dwelling with an addict?
    Identify the signs

    Understanding Addiction

    De-addiction program at Anatta recovery, reputed drug rehabilitation centre in Surat

    Drug addiction is uncontrollable use of drugs inspite of knowing its harmful consequences. It is also known as a relapsing disease, which has a scope to return to drug use after an attempt to stop. Here at Anatta Recovery, we offer effective counseling sessions that help patients overcome this deadly behavior.
    After observing the patient’s physical, mental and behavioral symptoms, we carry out extensive assessments of the patient which include medical examination and psychological examination. Additionally, personal drug history and psychological assessment is done that helps determine current condition of the patient.
    Then body detoxification process takes place. It is the process of letting the body removes all the drugs consumed by it. Detoxification process also involves the treatment to ease the withdrawal symptoms associated with consumption of drugs, alcohol and smoking. Body detoxification process re-establishes the normal brain functioning and decreases cravings.

    Therapies at Anatta Recovery, luxury drug rehab centre in Surat

    Our compassionate medical experts address all the issues by imparting following therapies:

    • Individual therapy: Management skills are taught to the patients to better use their time. Patients start observing their uncertain triggers and learn to deal with them to avoid relapse.
    • Group therapy:  The group therapy allows the recovery from addiction by allowing people who are in similar situations to interact with each other. It helps individuals to understand that they are not alone in their struggles. This sense of belonging speeds up the recovery process.
    • Relapse Therapy:  During this therapy, individuals tend to develop the skills to anticipate triggering factors that helps reduce the risk of being addicted again.

    Recovery and aftercare

    Even after completion of initial rehabilitation program, the counselors curate aftercare programs to keep the soberity within patients. Such programs consist of additional counseling, meeting and alumni classes for the treatment programmes.


    Get Help In Bringing Your Loved Ones Back From Addictions

    The treatment to any kind of addiction should begin as soon as possible and to do that, you will require support from an expert. Simply fill in the form and one of our specialists will contact you to give all the support.

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      Drug detoxification program during pregnancy

      Anatta Recovery, luxury drug rehab centre in Surat also treats pregnant women who have a strong motive to quit drugs for the sake of good health of their babies. Our team makes sure that quitting drugs should not be a tough process for them. The withdrawal symptoms are constantly supervised by our team and prevent relapse with pain management. The psychological therapies and medical interventions stabilize the women’s health and prepare the mind, body and soul of a woman to resist the pains which generally occur after quitting drug consumption.
