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Rehabilitation Centre in kolkata

Find Destination Treatment For Addiction

The treatment for addiction is a time taking process and finding a comfortable destination plays an important role in it. Fill the form below to get expert consultation support in finding your destination.

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    Rehabilitation Centre In Kolkata

    The city that holds a great history of intellectual and literary might also upholds the glory of having one of the most extensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment centres. The liberal society of Kolkata makes getting treatment much more comfortable than in any other region of India.

    However, the social stigma related to drug and alcohol rehabilitation still prevails in our society. Because of this, the rehabs in Kolkata give utmost priority to single client specific and confidential addiction treatment making it one of the favorite destination treatment spot for a global audience.

    Rehabilitation Centre in kolkata

    Defining Drug & Alcohol Addiction

    Numerous studies and researches have proven that addiction is a chronic and relapsing cognitive ailment initiated by a psychological and physical dependency on alcohol or any other licit and illicit drugs. When addiction occurs in any person, then he/she will pursue themselves to any limit despite being aware of the severe consequences.

    How addiction affects life of your loved ones:-

    Once a person falls into a spiral of an addictive disorder, the way he/she exploits the substance is not in their control. This boosted stimulus becomes the β€œnew normal” for the body, thereby making it tough to quit.

    Therefore, addiction is a multi-level disease that has long-lasting effects and obstructs an individual’s everyday life. Sudden opposition to the substance can lead to distress and withdrawal symptoms that can end up doing more harm.

    While living with an addict, it is not uncommon to develop tendencies of co-dependency. Continuous manipulation of situations and succeeding guilt trauma while handling your loved one’s addiction can develop co-dependency in you too.

    Is Your Loved One’s Addiction
    Killing Your Relationship?

    Understanding Addiction

    Current Scenario Of Drug & Alcohol Addiction In Kolkata

    Kolkata is famous for its huge strength of literacy and intellectuality. Underlying all this is currently a chaotic world of alcohol and substance use, abuse and addiction. The awareness of the presence of solutions to this problem in the form of alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres is very poor. Going to alcohol de-addiction centres is still looked upon as a social stigma, but most times seeking professional help is extremely essential.

    Not only drug and alcohol abuse, the crimes associated with and for them have also increase in the region. Underage sexual offenses are on the rise risking the safety of women in Kolkata too. The government is taking strict actions against these crimes and abuses to control the situation.

    49.6% of senior school students are drug users which is the highest number out of any region in India. 55.6% of male adolescents in Kolkata are cannabis users. Alcohol addiction in the generation below the legal age in Kolkata is the highest in the country.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre
    in Kolkata

    The key to getting help is to recognizing the symptoms and warning signs of drug and alcohol addiction. The problems escalate excessively if left untreated over a longer period of time. While some of the symptoms are noticeable, some goes absolutely unrecognized as the individual tries to hide their drinking and drug problems, which might lead on to become lethal. Non-medical therapies are given to control the cravings and relieve severe symptoms of withdrawal.

    A range of treatment options with personalized programs, along with a timely follow-up can be the key to a successful recovery. A proper treatment schedule should necessarily include both physical and emotional healing programs.

    Long-term treatment might accommodate community- or family-based recovery support systems for co-dependency. Kolkata boasts about its capability of treating addictions through alternate life therapies. A lot of people from all over the world come here for alternate life therapy for their loved one’s addiction.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Kolkata

    One must understand that addictions don’t mean a full stop on one’s life. With proper treatment, care and rehabilitation, one can stand back on his own feet and normalcy can be brought back into the users’ life. Lastly, every individual’s recovery journey is unique, marked with own triumphs and failures.

    The duration of every individual’s journey varies, and that’s okay. But, to treat it efficiently and comfortable, it is best to go for single client specific and confidential treatment away from your home country. Rehabilitation Centre in Kolkata is not only welcoming people who want to get their loved ones rehabilitated, but also provides value-added rehab programs to support them in getting back to the normalcy of life.

    Best Rehabilitation Centre in Kolkata

    Attending a rehabilitation centre in Kolkata isn’t just about getting sober – It’s about reclaiming and saving your life from drug and alcohol addiction. At Anatta Recovery, one of the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, We offers drug and alcohol rehabilitation services for people living in Kolkata. With the help of High quality medical care, our aim is to improve your life by helping you quit drinking alcohol and stop using drugs. Our treatment programs are Residential, Non medical and client specific. Some of the benefits you will receive during your treatment includes Group counselling, Relapse prevention techniques, After Care Programs etc.


    Get Expert Advise Curated From 15 Years Of Addiction Treatment Experience

    The treatment to any kind of addiction should begin as soon as possible and to do that, you will require support from an expert. Simply fill in the form and one of our rehab specialists will contact you to give all the support.

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      Best Rehabilitation Centre in Kolkata

      For Destination Addiction Treatment

      The authorities as well as private bodies have recognized the seriousness of addiction in Kolkata and have come up with innovative ways to treat addiction making it a famous destination treatment spot:

      • Education plays a key role in treatment and Kolkata is quite strong in this field
      • Rehabilitation Centre in Kolkata
        offer a mix of alternate life therapies and exercises for complete recovery of mind and body
      • Co-dependency treatment in Kolkata is quite effective and famous worldwide
      • It is suggested internationally for single client specific addiction treatment
      • You can choose from a wide range of rehab centres in Kolkata specific to your loved one’s condition


      RDB Boulevard,

      8th Floor, Plot K-1, Sector V, Block EP & GP,

      Salt Lake City, Kolkata, 700 091,


      Call: 1888-433-6091

      (Toll Free)
